Yr Arglwydd yw fy Mugail da (Cyflawnu ...)

My Shepherd will supply my need

(Bugail da)
Yr Arglwydd yw fy Mugail da,
Cyflawnu fy holl eisieu wna;
  Ei Air a'i ragluniaethau glān,
  Er gwaned wyf, a'm dwg yn mlaen.

Mewn porfa iachus, ddilys, dda,
Ymborthi ac ymorphwys caf,
  Lle byddo'r dyfroedd tawel byw,
  A'r bwyd i gyd dan fendith Duw.

Os af o'i ffyrdd,
    fel dafad ffol,
Fe ddychwel f'enaid llesg yn ol;
  Er mwyn ei drugareddau pur
  Fe'm dwg i lwybrau'r
      union dir.

Er rhodio dyffryn angeu du - 
Y glyn lle mae gelynion lu,
  Nid ofnaf ddim -
      ni phalla'm ffydd,
  Fy Mugail dwyfol yno fydd.
cyf. ? Dafydd Jones 1711-77

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Er rhodio dyffryn angau du

(Good Shepherd)
The Lord is my good Shepherd,
He fulfills all my needs;
  His word and his holy providences,
  Although I am so weak, lead me forward.

In healthy, unfailing, good pasture,
I shall get to feed and rest,
  Where there be the quiet, living waters,
  And all the food under God's blessing.

If I go from his ways,
    like a foolish sheep,
He brings my feeble soul back;
  For the sake of his pure mercies
  He leads me into the paths of the
      straight land.

Despite walking the valley of black death -
The vale where there is a host of enemies,
  I shall fear nothing -
      my faith shall not fail,
  My divine Shepherd shall be there.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion
My Shepherd will supply my need:
  Jehovah is His Name;
In pastures fresh He makes me feed,
  Beside the living stream.

He brings my wandering
    spirit back
  When I forsake His ways,
And leads me, for His mercy's sake,
  In paths of
      truth and grace.

When I walk through the shades of death
  His presence is my stay;
One word of His
    supporting grace
  Drives all my fears away.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [CM 8686]: Resignation (Southern Harmony 1835)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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